Friday, January 24, 2014

Granada Gold by S A Carney

Granada GoldI'm torn between what rating to give this book. On one hand, I was able to read the entire thing--albeit not without some heavy sighing and eye -rolling. I was interested enough that I wanted to know what was going to happen next, or I should say, when something was going to happen. (Things happened, but the real interesting stuff was told as a quick mention, a mere tossing in of history, so it felt to me.)

The problem is, I fail to see the point of having read this. I was mildly entertained, but did not walk away with any new knowledge. If anything, I question some of the story. Yes, it's historical FICTION, but are we seriously to believe that Columbus's venture was funded on the whim of a spoiled prince, with the mere handing over of a necklace?

True or not, I'd think the lead up to "discovering" the Americas could have used some more "air" time. Instead the story goes on and on about Juana's love for Lord Sales. I understood she adored him the first time it was mentioned. I don't need to be beaten over the head with it throughout the story. She also seems to be in love with her brother and filled with extreme jealousy at the thought of another woman having him. Perhaps this is the trait that made her mad. I thought it a tad sick.

And holy moly, how many times do I need to be told that Isabella is to marry the Portuguese king and that Catalina is now Princess of Wales. Trust me; it doesn't need to be every single time said princesses' names are mentioned.

In the end, it feels like the mundane rambling/daily journal of a spoiled child who happened to live in Granada during this tumultuous times. It focuses more on the above stuff and descriptions of Granada than things that interest me: Columbus's voyage, the Inquisition. Oh the Inquisition was mentioned, but it felt like it was taking a back seat to Lord Sales, the beauty of Granada, and whether or not her brother is going to marry the supposed awful Margaret. It also felt and read like a young adult novel.

Oh and let's not forget the evil Father Adrian. Horrid man, but told a bit OTT. And I find it strange that Juana is the only who sees it. Hm.

The story began getting more intense in the last quarter as her impending marriage loomed and occurred, but by then I was already quite put off by the above quibbles. Perhaps the novel tried to cover too vast a time period and thus did not focus on the things I care about. Nor did I find this heroine remotely strong. Irritating, more like.

I received this via Netgalley.

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