She must get to the bottom of it.
Meanwhile, she has a romance with Hutch...
A touch too drawn out for my taste and didn't "feel" the romance, but I enjoyed the mystery of the children and especially loved the bad dreams. It was just the right amount of spookiness.
And I'm pleased to say that Monique has agreed to answer some questions about Becoming Jolie.
Me: What town did you think of or what place came to mind when you pictured/wrote about Follette?
Monique: Ha, that's a great question. Mostly Follette was a figment of my imagination, however, my dad came from a small town in Louisiana called Mamou with lots of rice driers and such. I know that this area of the state played a role in my development of the town. There is also a small town called New Roads. It sits on False River and that was my inspiration behind the bayou that runs through Folette.
Me: Jolie has some serious bad dreams. What's the worst dream YOU have ever had?
Monique: Oh, your questions are awesome. This I haven't really shared with anyone before, but once right before I got married I had a dream that I walked in my bedroom and my (now husband) was hanging from the ceiling. (disturbing, right?). It was such a horrific dream that I woke my dad up screaming and I remember it taking hours before my heart stopped exploding in my chest!
Me: Does Jolie have any of your own traits/characteristics?
Monique: I'm sure on some level she does...oh, yes, we both suffer from headaches. Someone pointed out to me recentlyt hat alot of my heroines have headaches!
Me: Neither Hutch, nor David are on the cover, but both seem to be good looking men. What stock photo would you have used, or celebrity do you visualize for them?
Monique: OMG! Don't make me do that! You know I'm horrible at picking out stock photos of these guys! Maybe, someone could do that for me!!!
Me: They call Jolie City Girl. Are you a city or a country girl? What makes you one?
Monique: OH, I'm a city girl! I live in a little suburb of the city and it's nice and quiet and country like, but I have to be close to the shopping and fun. Also, I love to fish, but you wouldn't catch me hunting or cleaning fish or anything icky! Blame my dad and my husband. They spoiled me rotten!
Thanks, Monique, and readers, do any of you wish to take the challenge of finding a photo/celebrity to match the heroes?
Thank you so much for having me!!!