For those just arriving, here's the low down:
Some people do Libary Loot. Some people do Mailbox Monday. Me, I don't use the library. I have nothing against it; just hate having to read a book in a certain amount of time, and as for Mailbox Monday, I can't say most of my titles come in my mail. I buy them usually or get them via paperback swap.
And I find them the most random ways, these titles. But they all usually have one thing in common: STRONG, SEXY heroines!
So here's what I bought in the last week, scored via PBS, or added to my "to read" and the odd and random way I came across them. Hopefully, you will find some titles that interest you too!
Credo's Legacy by Alison Naomi Holt. I originally read and reviewed the first book in this tough female police detective series...a year or so ago? I thoroughly enjoyed it, but a lot of time passed between books one and two and shame on me, I failed to keep my eye out for the next in the series after a while. Regardless, when the author contacted me about reviewing book two, I remembered my intense enjoyment of Credo's Hope, and said, "Hell yeah." :) Be watching for a review of this in October sometime, here on Book Babe.
Debonair Dyke by Roxy Harte. You won't be seeing this one on my blog, because I'm reading it for Sizzling Hot Books. The reivew will be posted there. Brought to my attention because I am now their f/f reviewer. Currently halfway through. It's incredibly different, shocking in parts, with a strong message though.
Suffragist Hellraiser by Sharon Margolis. I found this title when I did a suffragette search on Amazon. It appears to be a suffragist, a mystery, a romance in one. New author though, so I was a tad weary of the 3.99 price. It's on my wishlist for now. I'm def planning on purchasing it when I read some of the books I already have! Seriously though, love the title! Sounds right up my alley.
Forever Yours by Jackie M. Smith. WWII. Feisty female pilot joins the Royal Air Force. Will love stop her from going? Or will the war stop their love? I. Cannot. Resist. Added to my wishlist. Found it whilst doing one of my many Amazon searches. Woman, Air Force. I love the things I find!!! I swear some of these books were penned with me in mind!
The Aviator's Wife by Melanie Benjamin. I LOVED this woman's telling of little Mr.s Tom Thumb's tale. LOVED it. So when I ran across this in a Goodreads American Historical Fiction New/Upcoming releases thread, it promptly went on my to read and wishlist. I just may preorder this at hardcover price because it is certain to be excellent. I've read the author before. She's great, and this is a novel about Anne Lindbergh, wife to Charles and an aviator herself. She was a tough cookie, you know. Her own son was kidnapped from her, and she survived.
Overdrive by Chloe Cole. A conrom coming in January from Samhain. I've preordered this for my kindle because 1. the price is right. 2. Samhain has a good reputation and it's bound to be a good read. 3. It's a lady mechanic! That's strong is sexy. :) I came across this in the most interesting way. I saw a friend tagged on Facebook in a post by StudioSmexy. They have this great section in their photos that shows the before (when it was just two models) and the after (book cover made!) And that is how I found this book. :)
Sweet Tooth by Ian McEwan. Was on the Amazon Vine newsletter. Woman spy. Cold war. A heroine that is a book worm and assigned to infiltrate a book club. I immediately nabbed this one. Promises betrayal, intrigue, and love.