Hi Tara, thanks for inviting me to your site today to talk about Healing. It’s always so much fun to visit Book Babe.
Why don’t you tell us about your new release?
Healing is a paranormal romance that built inside me for a very long time. Like just about everyone, I’ve seen too much sickness and death strike the people around me and I’d long to have a magical cure available for those I love. Unfortunately, few things in this world are unmitigatedly good and my crazy imagination began to wonder if there could be downsides to receiving the miracle of restored health. That train of thought led to this very sexy and deeply emotional novel.
That sounds intriguing. What else can you tell us?
Well I don’t want to say much, but I will say that this is my longest and most involved novel to date and an awful lot of those pages are dedicated to very hot and steamy sex. But this book isn’t erotica—it’s most definitely a powerfully emotional romance.
This is the second book of yours I’ve featured on this site. Where do you get your characters from?
That’s a hard question. Characters evolve slowly and by the time they pop out of my imagination I don’t always know exactly where they started. What I do know is that by the time I finish writing them they’re unique individuals who stand on their own.
One more question, you’ve got more than twenty books and stories in print. Which is your favorite?
The thing about writing is that for a story to come to life, you have to be able to live and breathe it while you’re creating it. You can’t do that without loving your story. So Healing is definitely my favorite book, at least until I publish the next one.STORY BLURB: Healing by Veronica Tower
Veronica Tower was married to her high school sweetheart for five deliriously happy years and ten far less wonderful ones. Now she is taking the time to make up for lost opportunities. In addition to returning to school to pursue a degree in psychology, Veronica has committed herself to fully exploring her fantasies, both in writing and in person…
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