Thursday, September 27, 2012

Strong is Sexy Heroine of the Week

Great Promo Opp for Authors!!!!

Book Babe is starting a new weekly feature: Strong is Sexy Heroine of the Week. 

Book Babe has 261 blogger followers, 71 networked blog followers, and last month alone had 4,288 hits. It gets approximately 100 h
its a day from Google, FB, and Goodreads.

Every week, I want to feature a strong, sexy heroine from a different book. If you would like to feature your book and heroine, let me know by contacting me tchevrestt (at) yahoo (dot) com

What you need to send me: A blog post/paragraph or two telling me who the heroine is, what book she is in, and what makes her both strong and sexy. It can be "she's strong because she did this... she survived that..." It can be anything you want, as long as she's strong in some way.

What is sexy about her? Let's make it about more than just nice legs, big breasts, etc. Sexiness is more than physical. It can be her ability to take care of herself, of business, her persistence, something she does for others. Examples from the book of the heroine in her strong moment are welcome.

What I will do: Post your post on the next available Thursday or Friday or week of your choice along with cover art and blurb that I will personally find on Goodreads, so that's one less thing for you to do. The blog posts also go on two Facebook accounts and two twitter accounts as well as Goodreads. And you can have the Strong is Sexy Heroine of the Week button to proudly display on your own blog!

Don't pass up this easy and free promo opportunity!

**REVISION** If you book it, you better remember it. Book Babe will no longer be sending out nagging reminders. If a Thursday comes in which an author didn't send me their post, I shall simply post the next available one.

***NEW REVISION. I am no longer playing the "reserve a spot now, send the post later" game. Upon booking a spot, you must send the post. There have been way too many bookings without postings. I'm not your mama or your secretary. ;)


  1. Hi Tara I would like to enter my book for this The Danfians Propehcy Sci-fi/Fantasy Romance. Thurs 7th or the 8th March would be great for this or the 14th & 15th of March 2013

    My Heroine is Chloe Rose, what makes Chloe strong is after witnessing the murder of her family upon discovering that she is not only human but also Danfian & Sofayan (alien spirits, she has to leave everything that she knows behind to escape and grow into the prophecy of being the only one to destroy Sofayans who rule Earth unjustly.

    Chloe is the stronger than all species on Earth, but what actually makes her sexy is her vulnerability to her heart. As she as fallen in love with Alexander who has captured her for a bounty on her head.

    I have a link directly to the book cover as it isn't on good reads

    and just in case here is the link to the book

    1. Thank you, but March is booked. This will have to go up in May. Also, these are supposed to be emailed to me. Email address is in the post above. Thanks for the enthusiasm.
