Author: Lorraine Nelson
Heroine: Melissa Dehavilland
Melissa Dehavilland found out that money doesn’t guarantee
happiness. When her marriage falls apart and she’s left with a young son to
raise, she doesn’t allow it to get her down. Fate intervenes when she and her
son inherit her Grandfather’s horse ranch, and she decides to move there. A new
start…a better life, for herself and for her son.
Taking over the running of the ranch meant hard work and
long hours, but she was determined to fulfill her grandfather’s trust. Melissa
could ride and rope as good as any of her wranglers, but she had a lot to
learn. She tackled it head-on, one project or chore at a time. During the
process, she’s rebuilt her self-esteem and reinforced positive values for her
son. Strong and determined, the only thing she refuses to tackle is paperwork.
Give her the outdoors any day. She’d sooner muck out the horse barn than do
accounting or try to balance her checkbook.
Sexy: (excerpt)
Not unexpectedly, she rode like the wind, at one with her horse, her golden
tresses blowing out behind her, tempting him, as did her derriere. It bounced
nicely up and down as she rode. Jimmy kept his horse at a slow trot as he
followed in her wake, thinking that he’d love to cup those butt cheeks in his
bare hands and make her body bounce on his. If they hadn’t been on horseback,
he might’ve breached the employer/employee relationship back there. Her eyes
had darkened with desire and those firm, full lips had begged to be kissed. Right
or proper protocol had nothing to do with it. He’d wanted to hold her tight,
mold her body against his.
When she dismounted and stood beside her son, the reddish haze of sunset provided
the perfect backdrop to outline her enticing curves. He gave his head a shake
and rode closer, ready to dismount, but a quick glimpse of the area beyond
rooted him to his saddle.

Excerpt: (Strong)
Walt’s was the lead truck in their little convoy. Although he tended to
flirt outrageously, Walt was good company and he soon realized that Melissa
could give as good as she got. It all served to help pass the time and she
found she enjoyed the ride to Kentucky …until
they pulled onto the racetrack to find her ex-husband waiting with the
potential buyers.
She thanked Walt and jumped down from the cab ready to send Marcus on his
way while the men unloaded the stock. The sale of her horses had nothing to do
with his running of Dehavilland Downs. If he hadn’t been the father of her only
son, she would have sent him packing when the marriage ended.
Still fuming, she motioned him to one side and confronted him. “What are
you doing here?”
“Why, darling, I’m overseeing the sale of our horses. Surely you wouldn’t
expect me to leave something so important in your incapable hands.” Marcus wore
an evil smirk that did nothing to cool her anger.
“How dare you! These are my
“Oh, I dare. I can fetch a much better price for them than you can. My
share of the proceeds will compensate for the pittance I’m allowed for managing
the track.”
“These are my buyers and my horses. You get paid handsomely for what you
do and you’re not getting one red cent of my sale money. Now get off this track
before I call security and have you removed for good.”
“Tut, tut, darling. Such a temper. What would Aaron say if you followed
through on that threat?”
That thought gave her pause, but only for a moment. “Oh, I think he’d
understand well enough, given the way you’ve kept in contact with him. Not! And
don’t call me darling. You gave up that right when you walked out.”
She palmed her cell phone and began to dial.
“All right. You’ve won this round, but you’ll be sorry. Those buyers will
strip you bare of the horses’ real worth, but you’re on your own. Know that
I’ll be laughing from my position on the bleachers.”
Melissa breathed a sigh of relief
as he stomped off. He could watch the proceedings or not. She really didn’t
At this time, Suited is available at Secret Cravings Publishing. This post will be updated with the Amazon link as soon as it is available on that site.
Post looks great! Thanks for having me. :)
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